Åpen søknad / Open application - Mat

Location: Norway

Department: Kantine

Type: Part Time to Full Time

Min. Experience: Entry Level

Ønsker du en jobb i Toma konsernet, men finner ingen ledig stilling som passer for deg? Da kan du sende en åpen søknad som beskrevet under.

Vi har stadig behov for dyktige medarbeidere innenfor Kantine og Forpleining. 

Er du interessert er du velkommen til å søke jobb hos oss.

En åpen søknad vil bli lagret i en CV-database og blir fortløpende vurdert mot ledige stillinger. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at du ikke vil motta svar på at søknaden er mottatt eller behandlet. Aktuelle kandidater vil bli kontaktet nærmere. En åpen søknad vil bli foreldet etter seks måneder.

Are you on the lookout for a job in Toma, yet can not find an apropriate posisition vacant at the moment?

You are more than welcome to leave us an open application!

All applications is to be stored in our database due to future evaluations. Please make note that you will not recieve any response on your request unless it`s beeing prosessed. Only potential jobseekers will be contacted. All open applications will be archived after six months.

Apply for this Position
* Required fields
First name*
Last name*
Email address*
Phone number*

Attach resume as .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .txt, or .rtf (limit 5MB) or paste resume

Paste your resume here or attach resume file

Cover Letter*
Do you have a valid driver’s license?
What’s your highest level of education completed?
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Earliest start date?
Can you work weekends?
In 150 characters or fewer, tell us what makes you unique. Try to be creative and say something that will catch our eye!*
Experience with use of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook in addition to common computerskills.*
Human Check*